Public Safety
Response Times
Critical Infrastructure
Potential Projects
Fire Station 16
Fire Rescue has purchased land at the corner of U.S. 19 and Atlanta for the construction of Fire Station 16. This facility will include a fire engine and an ambulance to provide services in this high growth area of the County. Currently, it is anticipated for a new development for Lake Hideaway of over 5,000 homes to be constructed as well as the growth in the Royal Highlands area.
Remodel of Fire Station 9
Fire Station 9 is currently located on Lake Lindsey Hwy and is in a very wet piece of land. The station frequently has drainage and back up issues into the station. It has been recommended to relocate the station in the same general area. As growth in the area continues, we will also need a larger station to house additional personnel and possibly add EMS services.
Fire Logistics Warehouse
Currently, HCFR Logistics is located at 60 Veterans Avenue. This is a 6,000 square foot building. To store all equipment, we are currently leasing several storage units across the County. By purchasing land and building a 50,000 square foot facility, we would be able to put all warehouse needs under one roof making it more feasible to manage. This would also allow the department to purchase in bulk saving money and allowing personnel to perform their jobs more efficiently.
Public Safety Training Complex
This project develops a Public Safety Training Facility for the Sheriff’s Office and Fire and Emergency Services in Hernando County. The facility envisioned will house an administrative/classroom building, fire training tower, rifle, and pistol ranges, driving course, K-9 field training and kennels, observation tower and other site improvements.
New Mosquito Control Building
Mosquito control currently operates out of a slightly modified residence. The current configuration of spaces for the Hernando County Mosquito Control do not provide for a synergistic relationship for departmental staff and functions. Adequate ventilation system is required and does not currently exsist.
Fire Stations 17 & 18 Aquisition and Design
Fire Station 17 will be located north off of U.S. 98 (Ponce de Leon). It is anticipated by FY 2027, growth in this area of the County will mandate an additional fire station with a fire engine and medic unit for fire and EMS services provided to the residents. It is anticipated to use the smaller prototype fire station for this location. There are two large residential communities planned for this area.